
26 maggio 2007

About women figure

Since when I began to see women as the other half of the sky, I ever wondered why the perfect silhouette of a woman should be dictate by a bunch of gay stylists. I could tell you how skinny TV women gets our daughter anorexic, or why a skinny woman should be less appalling to your genes, because she is less likely to carry your children well.

I know is just a matter of fashion, and thanks to BoingBoing I found the linked advertising of this amazing product.

Boing Boing: Ad from 1934 promises to help you get fatter

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18 maggio 2007

Meaningful answers

Do you know the break-even to a happy life are $ 40,000? Do you think you should sue a sexual harasser? What should be the optimal length of a paperless CV?

Read on. Penelope's answer may amaze you.

N.B.: Read the italian version here.

How to Change the World: Ten Questions With Penelope Trunk: Career Guidance for This Century

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14 maggio 2007

Why I will buy a Widescreen monitor.

It's time to buy new monitor(s). Currently I am using two 17'' CRT (one for WinXp and one for Ubuntu), and an astonishing beautiful 20'' wide LCD on my iMac G5. No surprise, usually I work on the iMac. But is time to put into retirement the CRTs.

So I am searching for a 19'' or 20'' LCD monitor, with fast refresh time (less than 8 ms, the faster the better), possibly with Pivot function (which allows to use the monitor in portrait mode).

The pivot function, otherwise useless, is intended to display an A4 paper sheet on screen as big as possible. The best of the pivot monitor is using them with musical notation software (Finale, for example). When you read a full score composed by 20 staves, use the portrait mode could really make the difference.

Ok, you could buy a 30'' LCD and use it in landscape mode to display *two* pages on the screen, but this solution is exceeding my budget.

Finally, I have to choose between 4:3 and 16:10 (normal or wide). Well, my intention is display a full screen A4 sheet. If you display a 297 x 210 mm sheet (the ratio in equal to square root of 2, very roughly 1.4, on a 4:3 monitor (ratio 1.3*) in portrait mode, you will have two resulting vertical bars on both sides of the visible area. Conversely, if you display the same sheet on a widescreen monitor (e.g. 1680 x 1050, with a ratio equal to 1,6**), the resulting bars will be horizontal, where the mainstream OSes (Windows of all kind, Mac OS X, and the most Linux flavors, including Ubuntu, the one I use) find menu, quick launch, info, task bars.

This is why I will buy a widescreen monitor, but here you will find more details.

* And, BTW, periodical numbers have always turned me mad.

** This time is exactly 1,6 or to use a more familiar language 16:10

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10 maggio 2007


This poetry by Bertolt Brecht is missing from the Net. Tells about war, and it's worth reading [in German, English and Italian].

Eines schönen Tages befahlen uns unsere Obern
Die kleine Stadt Danzig für sie zu erobern.
Wir sind mit Tanks und Bombern in Polen eingebrochen
Wir eroberten es in drei Wochen.
Gott bewahr uns.

Eines schönen Tages befahlen uns unsere Obern
Norwegen und Frankreich für sie zu erobern
Wir sind in Norwegen und Frankreich eingebrochen
Wir haben alles erobert im zweiten Jahr in fünf Wochen.
Gott bewahr uns.

Eines schönen Tages befahlen uns unsere Obern
Serbien, Griechenland und Russland für sie zu erobern
Wir sind in Serbien, Griechenland und Russland eingefahren
Und kämpfen jetzt um unser nacktes Leben seit zwei langen Jahren.
Gott bewahr uns.

Eines schönen Tages befehlen uns noch unsere Obern
Den Boden der Tiefsee und die Gebirge des Mondes zu erobern
Und es ist schwer schon hier in diesem Russland
Und der Feind stark und der Winter kalt und der Heimweg unbekannt.
Gott bewahr uns und führ uns wieder nach Haus.

A beautiful day our leaders commanded us
To conquer for their sake the little city of Danzig
We broke in Poland with Tanks and Bombers
We conquer it in three week.
May God save us.

A beautiful day our leaders commanded us
To conquer for their sake Norway and French
We broke in Norway and Franch
We conquer them during the second year in five week.
May God save us.

A beautiful day our leaders commanded us
To conquer for their sake Serbia, Greece and Russia
We did go in Serbia, Greece and Russia
And now we battle for our bare lives since two long years.
May God save us.

A beautiful day our leaders will command us
To conquer the bottom of the oceans and the mountains of the Moon
And it's hard yet here in this Russia
And the enemy strong and the winter cold and the way to home unknown.
May God save us and lead us to home.

Un bel giorno i nostri comandanti ci imposero
Di conquistare per loro la piccola città di Danzica.
Noi facemmo irruzione in Polonia con carriarmati e bombardieri
La conquistammo in tre settimane.
Dio ce ne scampi.

Un bel giorno i nostri comandanti ci imposero
Di conquistare per loro Norvegia e Francia.
Facemmo irruzione in Norvegia e in Francia
Le conquistammo tutte durante il secondo anno in cinque settimane.
Dio ce ne scampi.

Un bel giorno i nostri comandanti ci imposero
Di conquistare per loro Serbia, Grecia e Russia
Noi andammo in Serbia, in Grecia ed in Russia
Ed ora combattiamo per la nostra nuda vita da due lunghi anni.
Dio ce ne scampi.

Un bel giorno i nostri comandanti ci imporranno
Di conquistare il fondo degli oceani e i monti della Luna
Ed è già duro qui in questa Russia
E il nemico implacabile e l'inverno gelido e non sapere la strada per tornare a casa.
Dio ce ne scampi e ci riporti a casa.

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